Muaj yeeb yuj Polyester Zaj duab xis Mylar Daim kab xev rau roj teeb & Cable rwb thaiv tsev

Muaj yeeb yuj Polyester Zaj duab xis Mylar Daim kab xev rau roj teeb & Cable rwb thaiv tsev Featured duab

Lus piav qhia luv luv:



GBSPolyester zaj duab xis daim kab xev, kuj hu ua Mylar daim kab xev, siv Polyester zaj duab xis raws li cov cab kuj rov qab coated nrog acrylic siab rhiab nplaum nplaum.Peb muaj ntau yam xim rau kev xaiv xws li ntshiab, ntsuab, liab, liab, xiav, daj, dub, thiab lwm yam. Nws muaj zog adhesion, siab voltage kuj thiab nplaim taws tsis kam uas yog feem ntau siv rau cable / hlau bundling, roj teeb bandage, switching zog tiv thaiv. , lwm.





Product Detail

Khoom cim npe



1. High voltage kuj.

2. Waterproof, txias thiab kub tsis kam.

3. UV tsis kam, nplaim retardant txheem 94V-0.

4. Tshuaj, corrosion kuj thiab ruaj.

Polyester Zaj duab xis Daim kab xev saib
Polyester Zaj duab xis Daim kab xev qhia meej

Nrog cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm kev rwb thaiv tsev siab, polyester Mylar daim kab xev yog siv rau cable / hlau wrapping, roj teeb bandaged nrog rau lub cev muaj zog, transformers thiab capacitors rwb thaiv tsev, nws kuj muaj peev xwm muab cov High-voltage cais ntawm PCB Circuit Court thiab lub enclosure ntawm lub switching fais fab mov.

Hauv qab noQee qhov kev lag luam dav dav rau Mylar rwb thaiv tsev daim kab xev:

Dav siv nyob rau hauv hluav taws xob xaim wrapping.

Kev sib txuas, insulating thiab kho.

Transformer, motors, capacitors rwb thaiv tsev.

Roj teeb ntaub qhwv.

Cables kho, wrapping thiab bundling.

Cables txhawb thiab tiv thaiv.

Lwm daim ntawv thov hluav taws xob rwb thaiv tsev

rwb thaiv tsev mylar daim kab xev

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